Timing and Amplitude of Catch-up Saccades to Accelerating Targets


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To track moving targets, humans move their eyes using both saccades and smooth pursuit. If pursuit eye movements fail to accurately track the moving target, catch-up saccades are initiated to rectify the tracking error. It is well known that retinal position and velocity errors determine saccade timing and amplitude, but the extent to which retinal acceleration error influences these aspects is not well quantified. To test this, 13 adult human participants performed an experiment where they pursued accelerating / decelerating targets. During ongoing pursuit, we introduced a randomly sized target step to evoke a catch-up saccade and analyzed its timing and amplitude. We observed that retinal acceleration error was a statistically significant predictor of saccade amplitude and timing. A multiple linear regression supported our hypothesis that retinal acceleration errors influence saccade amplitude in addition to the influence of retinal position and velocity errors. We also found that saccade latencies were shorter when retinal acceleration error increased the tracking error and vice versa. In summary, our findings support a model in which retinal acceleration error is used to compute a predicted position error ~100ms into the future to trigger saccades and determine saccade amplitude. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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