The effects of key parameters on the gas/particle flows characteristics in the furnace of a Foster Wheeler down-fired boiler retrofitted with novel low-load stable combustion technology


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Through a gas-particle cold-modeling experiment, the particle dynamic analyzer (PDA) is used to investigate the effects of fuel-lean coal/airflow angle and ratio of oil secondary air to F-layer secondary air on the gas/particle flows characteristics in the furnace of a Foster Wheeler (FW) down-fired boiler with enhanced stable combustion technology. As the fuel-lean coal/airflow angle increases from 10 degrees to 45 degrees, the peak value of the vertical dimensionless velocity of the gas/particle flows gradually increases, and the peak position gradually moves to the near wall region. As the ratio of oil secondary air to F-layer secondary air (the secondary air ratio for short) increased, the peak value of the vertical dimensionless velocity of the gas/particle flows gradually increased and the peak value position of the dimensionless velocity gradually moved towards the near-wall region. In actual operation, for the perspective of performance and safety, the recommended fuel-lean coal/airflow angle and secondary air ratio is 30 degrees and 1:2 respectively. The enhanced stable combustion technology had been applied to two 600 MW FW down-fired boilers, and these boilers can achieve stable operation when burning a wide range of coal quality under the load section from 200 MW to 600 MW.
Down -fired boiler,Oil secondary air,Fuel -lean coal/airflow angle,Gas -particle flow characteristics,Coal combustion
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