Analytical Estimation of Strain Energy Accumulation in Retreating Longwall Mining and Sensitivity Analysis Using the Orthogonal Testing Method

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering(2024)

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Excessive strain energy accumulation in the coal seam is one of the essential conditions for rockbursts to occur. It is imperative to understand the parameters that affect the strain energy accumulation in retreating longwall mining to optimise the design and minimise rockbursts occurrences. In this paper, new analytical models were developed to calculate the strain energy accumulation considering the current state-of-the-art longwall machinery being used in the industry. Seven parameters, i.e., mining depth, length of the cantilever roof, coal seam thickness, thickness of the immediate roof, Young’s modulus of coal and the roof, and Poisson’s ratio of the coal seam, were identified as the parameters affecting the strain energy accumulation. A detailed statistical analysis of the parameters was conducted using the orthogonal testing method, which revealed that mining depth, Young's modulus of coal and the coal seam thickness significantly influence the strain energy accumulation within a 99% confidence interval.
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Strain energy,Longwall mining,Deep coal mining,Rockbursts
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