How to write a good research grant proposal

Elaine M. Boyle, Frances J. Mielewczyk

Paediatrics and Child Health(2024)

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Research is increasingly important for the delivery of the best possible paediatric care and in the training of healthcare professionals. Many young clinicians are now looking for some way of becoming involved in research during their training, and some will wish to develop a formal academic component to their career or study for a higher postgraduate degree. Research funding is essential to enable high quality research, but training in how to apply for such funding is limited. While it is no substitute for detailed guidance and support from a trusted and experienced research colleague, this article aims to provide practical guidance for new researchers setting out to write their first grant proposal. It stresses the importance of being proactive in selecting the correct research environment, ensuring adequate support and supervision and identifying the necessary knowledge and expertise needed to deliver the project efficiently and effectively. It also highlights the important steps involved in developing a proposal, writing and submitting the application, and provides suggestions for maximizing chances of success. Whilst the focus of this article is based upon the authors' experience in the UK, the general principles are more widely applicable to healthcare professionals working with babies, children and young people everywhere.
Research funding,research grant,research proposal,researcher
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