Secure Dynamic Event-triggered Consensus Under Asynchronous Denial of Service


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This article proposes a secure implementation for consensus using a dynamic event-triggered (DET) communication scheme in high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems (MAS) under asynchronous (distributed) denial of service (DoS) attacks. By introducing a linear auxiliary trajectory of the system, the DET data transmission scheme among the neighboring agents is employed to reduce the communication for each agent. The asynchronous DoS attacks can block each communication channel among the cooperative agents independently in an unknown pattern. To guarantee state consensus of auxiliary MAS under DoS, a linear matrix inequality (LMI) based optimization approach is proposed which simultaneously designs all the unknown DET communication parameters as well as the state feedback control gain. In addition to asynchronous DoS attacks over the graph topology, the destructive effects of independent DoS attacks over the communication links between actual and auxiliary states are compensated as an additional layer of resiliency for the system. The output of each agent ultimately tracks the auxiliary state of the system and this results in the output consensus.
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