Josephson Junction of Nodal Superconductors with Rashba and Ising Spin-Orbit coupling


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We study the effect of a Rashba spin-orbit coupling on the nodal superconducting phase of an Ising superconductor. Such nodal phase was predicted to occur when applying an in-plane field beyond the Pauli limit to a superconducting monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD). Generically, Rashba spin-orbit is known to lift the chiral symmetry that protects the nodal points, resulting in a fully gapped phase. However, when the magnetic field is applied along the Γ -K line, a residual vertical mirror symmetry protects a nodal crystalline phase. We study a single-band tight-binding model that captures the low energy physics around the Γ pocket of monolayer TMD. We calculate the topological properties, the edge state structure, and the current phase relation in a Josephson junction geometry of the nodal crystalline phase. We show that while the nodal crystalline phase is characterized by localized edge modes on non-self-reflecting boundaries, the current phase relation exhibits a trivial 2π periodicity in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling.
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