On-chip wavelength division multiplexing by angled multimode interferometer fabricated on erbium-doped thin film lithium niobate on insulator


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Photonic-integrated circuits based on erbium-doped thin film lithium niobate on insulator has attracted broad interests with insofar various waveguide amplifiers and microlasers demonstrated. Wideband operation facilitated by the broadband absorption and emission of erbium ions necessitates the functional integration of wavelength filter and multiplexer on the same chip. Here, a low-loss wavelength division multiplexer at the resonant pumping and emission wavelengths (similar to 1480 nm and 1530-1560 nm) of erbium ions based on angled multimode interferometer is realized in the erbium-doped thin film lithium niobate on insulator fabricated by the photolithography assisted chemomechanical etching technique. The minimum on-chip insertion losses of the fabricated device are <0.7 dB for both wavelength ranges, and a 3-dB bandwidth of >20 nm is measured at the telecom C-band. Besides, direct visualization of the multimode interference pattern by the visible upconversion fluorescence of erbium ions compares well with the simulated light propagation in the multimode interferometer. Spectral tuning of the wavelength division multiplexer by structural design is also demonstrated and discussed.
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Key words
integrated optics,erbium-doped lithium niobate on insulator,wavelength division multiplexing
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