Federated Learning in Medical Image Analysis: A Systematic Survey

Fabiana Rodrigues da Silva,Rui Camacho,Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares


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Medical image analysis is crucial for the efficient diagnosis of many diseases. Typically, hospitals maintain vast repositories of images, which can be leveraged for various purposes, including research. However, access to such image collections is largely restricted to safeguard the privacy of the individuals whose images are being stored, as data protection concerns come into play. Recently, the development of solutions for Automated Medical Image Analysis has gained significant attention, with Deep Learning being one solution that has achieved remarkable results in this area. One promising approach for medical image analysis is Federated Learning (FL), which enables the use of a set of physically distributed data repositories, usually known as nodes, satisfying the restriction that the data do not leave the repository. Under these conditions, FL can build high-quality, accurate deep-learning models using a lot of available data wherever it is. Therefore, FL can help researchers and clinicians diagnose diseases and support medical decisions more efficiently and robustly. This article provides a systematic survey of FL in medical image analysis, specifically based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, X-radiography, and histology images. Hence, it discusses applications, contributions, limitations, and challenges and is, therefore, suitable for those who want to understand how FL can contribute to the medical imaging domain.
image processing,artificial intelligence,machine learning,federated learning,medical image analysis
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