A Comparison of the Intrarectal and Intramuscular Effects of a Dexmedetomidine, Ketamine and Midazolam Mixture on Tear Production in Cats: A Randomized Controlled Trial


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Simple Summary In veterinary medicine, the use of sedative agents to perform clinical and diagnostic procedures is increasingly common. Several anesthetic drugs decrease tear flow production. In recent years, interest in the clinical efficacy of sedative and hypnotic agents for new and atraumatic routes of administration has increased. Tear film production has never been investigated in cats who received sedative agents by the intrarectal route (IR). The aim of this study is to compare the clinical effects of a mixture of dexmedetomidine, ketamine and midazolam on tear film flow administered by the IR versus the intramuscular route (IM).Abstract Cats are often easily stressed and uncooperative. The use of sedative agents in the feline species is widely used to perform even minor clinical and diagnostic procedures. The aim of this study is to assess the impact on tear film production of the intrarectal route (IR) administration of a mixture of dexmedetomidine, ketamine and midazolam in comparison with the intramuscular (IM) one. A group of twenty cats were involved in a randomized and blinded clinical trial. A clinical and ophthalmological examination was conducted on the cats. The IR group received dexmedetomidine 0.003 mg kg-1, ketamine 4 mg kg-1 and midazolam 0.4 mg kg-1; the IM group received dexmedetomidine 0.003 mg kg-1, ketamine 2 mg kg-1 and midazolam 0.2 mg kg-1. A Shirmer tear test I (STT- I) was conducted 1 h before sedation and 2 ', 10 ', 20 ', 30 ', 40 ', and 80 ' post drug administration. The reaction to STT-I administration was also evaluated. The IM group has a lower mean tear production than the IR group for all time points evaluated. Cats in the IM group showed less reaction to STT-I administration. This study may suggest that the effect of sedative agents administered by the IR route has a lower incidence on tear production than the IM one. The use of eye lubricant is recommended in any case.
intrarectal route,intramuscular route,cats,tear production,dexmedetomidine,ketamine,midazolam,sedation
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