Disassembling blood clots and recovering blood oxygen function with strong magnetic field for severe COVID-19 patients


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Blood clotting caused by COVID-19 has made this disease much more severe than other respiratory diseases. An alarming number of COVID-19 patients developed blood clots that trigger heart attack, stroke, and other disasters. Currently, blood thinner medicines are the only treatment. While blood thinners lower the blood's ability to clot, they cannot disassemble existing blood clots. Many patients were not helped by them. Here we report our finding: Strong magnetic field can disassemble blood clots safely and effectively. This is attributed to the magnetic property of red cells and their unique disk shape. Hence, we have proposed a new treatment for patients with thrombosis: applying a strong magnetic field along the patients' arm or leg. When the blood clots come to the magnetic field, they are disassembled safely; red cells recover their oxygen function; the blood viscosity along the flow direction is reduced, turbulence in blood circulation is suppressed, and the incidence of heart attack and stroke can be prevented. With thrombosis occurring in COVID-19 patients, the magnetic treatment will resolve this urgent issue and greatly help the patients to recover.
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Blood clotting,COVID-19,strong magnetic field,disassemble blood clots
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