The Method of Detecting Flying Birds in Surveillance Video Based on Their Characteristics


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Aiming at the characteristics of the flying bird object in surveillance video, such as the single frame image feature is not obvious, the size is small in most cases, and asymmetric, this paper proposes a Flying Bird Object Detection method in Surveillance Video (FBOD-SV). Firstly, a new feature aggregation module, the Correlation Attention Feature Aggregation (Co-Attention-FA) module, is designed to aggregate the features of the flying bird object according to the bird object's correlation on multiple consecutive frames of images. Secondly, a Flying Bird Object Detection Network (FBOD-Net) with down-sampling and then up-sampling is designed, which uses a large feature layer that fuses fine spatial information and large receptive field information to detect special multi-scale (mostly small-scale) bird objects. Finally, the SimOTA dynamic label allocation method is applied to One-Category object detection, and the SimOTA-OC dynamic label strategy is proposed to solve the difficult problem of label allocation caused by irregular flying bird objects. In this paper, the algorithm's performance is verified by the experimental data set of the surveillance video of the flying bird object of the traction substation. The experimental results show that the surveillance video flying bird object detection method proposed in this paper effectively improves the detection performance of flying bird objects.
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