Elastic Softening in Synthetic Diamonds


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This study reveals a novel phenomenon demonstrating the softening of synthetic diamonds when cooled to very low temperatures below 1 K. Herein, we argue that this elastic softening can be attributed to the effect of electric-quadrupole degrees of freedom of the dangling bonds in the neutral single-atom vacancies of carbon. We present the results of ultrasonic investigations of single-crystalline synthetic diamonds, namely type-IIa (colorless) and Ib (yellow) diamonds grown by high-pressure-high-temperature synthesis as well as type-IIa diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition. We observe a magnetic-field-insensitive softening of the elastic constant C_44 in all samples at low temperatures below 1 K. Our results strongly suggest a ppb level concentration of neutral single-atomic vacancies in all investigated diamonds. Our findings open new avenues for the quantitative determination of single neutral vacancies in non-irradiated diamonds, an important information needed for their potential application for quantum technology and next-generation semiconductor devices.
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