Variability in the Initial Growth Trajectory of Captive Bred Snakes of the Genus Epicrates

Liliana Kwong Kwai Ling, Fábio Luiz Buranelo Toral,Leonardo Boscoli Lara, Alline Grasiele Silveira Matos, Tiago De Oliveira Lima,Walter Motta Ferreira


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The goal of this study was to characterize the initial growth trajectory of Epicrates assisi, 1 Epicrates cenchria, and Epicrates crassus snakes raised in captivity. An exponential model with 2 parameters for birth weight (A) and growth rate (k) was fitted for each animal. There was a significant 3 difference A and k among the three species, the means (standard error) for A and k parameters were 4 31 (0.3) g and 0.0027 (0.00006) for E. assisi, 27.6 (0.6) g and 0.0046 (0.00013) for E. cenchria and 25.9 5 (1.4) g and 0.0033 (0.00027) for E. crassus. We showed a significative variability between species for 6 initial growth trajectory. In addition, we also demonstrated the existence of variability within species, 7 which can be used to change the growth trajectory of snakes, being a tool for selection and genetic 8 improvement.9
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