Unravelling the mechanism of polarization transfer from spin-1/2 to spin-1 system in solids

Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP(2024)

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An analytic theory based on the concept of "effective-fields" is proposed to explain the mechanism of polarization transfer from spin I = 1/2 to spin S = 1 in non-rotating (static) solids. Employing an isolated two-spin model system, the matching conditions responsible for polarization transfer in cross-polarization (CP) experiments are identified and described in terms of the single-transition operators. In contrast to other existing treatments, the polarization transfer among spins is quantified through analytic expressions highlighting the individual contributions emerging from all plausible CP matching conditions. The interplay between the CP matching conditions observed in experiments is outlined in both isotropic and anisotropic systems and verified through comparison between simulations based on analytic and exact numerical methods. The predictions emerging from the analytic theory are verified over a wide range of experimentally relevant parameters and could be beneficial in the optimization of the CP experiments. An analytic theory based on the concept of "effective-fields" is proposed to explain the polarization transfer dynamics between spin-1/2 and spin-1 in non-rotating solids.
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