Guaranteed Nonconvex Factorization Approach for Tensor Train Recovery


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In this paper, we provide the first convergence guarantee for the factorization approach. Specifically, to avoid the scaling ambiguity and to facilitate theoretical analysis, we optimize over the so-called left-orthogonal TT format which enforces orthonormality among most of the factors. To ensure the orthonormal structure, we utilize the Riemannian gradient descent (RGD) for optimizing those factors over the Stiefel manifold. We first delve into the TT factorization problem and establish the local linear convergence of RGD. Notably, the rate of convergence only experiences a linear decline as the tensor order increases. We then study the sensing problem that aims to recover a TT format tensor from linear measurements. Assuming the sensing operator satisfies the restricted isometry property (RIP), we show that with a proper initialization, which could be obtained through spectral initialization, RGD also converges to the ground-truth tensor at a linear rate. Furthermore, we expand our analysis to encompass scenarios involving Gaussian noise in the measurements. We prove that RGD can reliably recover the ground truth at a linear rate, with the recovery error exhibiting only polynomial growth in relation to the tensor order. We conduct various experiments to validate our theoretical findings.
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