Enhanced XUV harmonics generated in mixed noble gases using three-color laser fields


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High repetition coherent extreme ultraviolet (XUV) harmonics offer a powerful tool for investigating electron dynamics and understanding the underlying physics in a wide range of systems. We demonstrate the utilization of combined three-color (omega+2 omega+3 omega) laser fields in the generation of coherent extreme ultraviolet radiation in mixed noble gases. The three-color field results from the combination of fundamental, second-, and third-order harmonics of the near-infrared laser pulses in the nonlinear crystals. Different noble gases were selected as gas targets based on their ionization potentials, which are important parameters for generating higher cut-offs and intensities for the XUV harmonics. Enhanced XUV harmonic intensities were observed in the mixture of He + Kr gases when using three-color laser fields, compared to harmonics generated in the He + Kr mixture under a single-color pump. On the other hand, suppression of XUV harmonic intensity was observed in the mixture of He + Xe under the three-color pump due to the highest ionization level for these two mixed gases at similar laser conditions. Strong harmonic yields in the range of 25 to 80 eV of photon energy were observed.
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