Global spatial potential for implementing land-based climate mitigation


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Land-based mitigation strategies (LBMS) are critical to reducing climate change and will require large areas for their implementation. Yet few studies have considered how and where LBMS compete for land or are mutually compatible across Earth’s surface. We derived high resolution estimates of the spatial distribution of 19 different LBMS. We estimated 8.9 billion ha suitable for LBMS across the Earth, including 5.6 Bha suitable for only one of the studied strategies and 3.3 Bha suitable for multiple LBMS. We identified significant conflicts between better carbon management of existing land cover types, and restoration-based strategies such as reforestation. At the same time, several agricultural management LBMS were compatible over large areas, including for example, enhanced weathering and improved plantation rotations. Our analysis presents local stakeholders, communities, and governments with the range of LBMS options, and the opportunity costs associated with scaling up any given LBMS to reduce global climate change. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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