Study of a 7-DoF Wearable Low-Cost IMU System Prototype to Measure Upper-Limb Movements

Mirella M. De O. Carneiro,Milena F. Pinto, João Roberto De T. Quadros, Victor R. R. de Oliveira,Luciana F. Almeida

2023 15th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON)(2023)

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This study presents a novel and practical solution for physiotherapy by introducing a low-complexity prototype system that utilizes electronics and robotics to monitor and analyze upper-limb movements accurately. The system is designed to be applied in real-time physiotherapy sessions, aiding patients with mobility problems in their telerehabilitation process. The prototype system consists of three HMC5883L. Moreover, three M5 Stick C Plus devices are also used, each equipped with inertial measurement units (IMUs) and ESP32-PICO-D4 chips inside of them. These components are crucial in capturing and processing the upper-limb movement data. An ESP32 DevKitC-V4 is integrated into the setup to receive the data via Wi-Fi from the modules attached to the patient's body. By leveraging this hardware configuration, the prototype system can be capable of performing precise and instant readings of upper-limb movements during physiotherapy sessions. The real-time data acquisition allows therapists to monitor patients remotely and provide feedback. which is invaluable for optimizing telerehabilitation.
Assistive Robotics,Electronics,Physiotherapy,Sensors,Movements Rehabilitation
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