Telomere Regulation by Metabolism Reprogramming

Maria P. Rubtsova, Denis A Nikishin, Maria S Koriagina, Andrey V Vasiliev,Olga A Dontsova


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Telomeres – special DNA-protein structures at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes define the proliferation potential of cells. Extremely short telomeres promote DNA damage response and cell death to eliminate cells potentially accumulated mutations after multiple divisions. However, telomere elongation is associated with increased proliferative potential of special types of cells, such as stem and germ cells, permanently, and is activated temporally in processes of activation of immune response, regeneration processes. Activation of mechanisms of telomere lengthening coupled with increased proliferation and with requirements of cells in energy and building resourses. To obtain necessary nutrients cells stimulate metabolism by switching of oxidative phosphorylation program to glycolysis. In this review we focused on the interconnection of metabolism program and telomere lengthening mechanisms known for the situation of the programmed activation of proliferation such as germ cells maturation, early embryonic development program and immune response activation. Here, we propose that it is possible to reprogram metabolism in order to regulate the telomere length, proliferative activity of cells that may be important for the development of approaches to regeneration, immune response modulation and cancer therapy and further investigations in this area are necessary to improve the understanding and manipulating of molecular mechanisms used for regulation of proliferation.
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