Lightweight image super-resolution for IoT devices using deep residual feature distillation network


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The 5th industrial revolution is characterized by an extensive interconnection of embedded devices, which offer a range of services, including the monitoring of their environments. Images captured from remote cameras require enhancements for effective analysis. Despite recent progress in single -image super -resolution techniques by yielding impressive results through deep convolutional neural networks, the complexity of these advanced models renders them impractical for use on miniaturized Internet of Things (IoT) devices, primarily due to their limited computational capabilities and memory constraints. Furthermore, the rapid evolution of IoT devices necessitates efficient image super -resolution techniques, while existing advanced methods, based on deep convolutional neural networks, are too resource -intensive for these devices, and this gap highlights the need for a more suitable solution. In this study, we introduce a lightweight, efficient super -resolution model specifically designed for IoT devices. This model incorporates a novel deep residual feature distillation block (DRFDB), which leverages a depthwise-separable convolution block (DCB) for effective feature extraction. The focus is on reducing computational and memory demands without compromising on image quality. The proposed DCB extracts coarse features from given input features as calculation units, using two operations, depthwise and pointwise convolutions. These two operations are able to significantly reduce the number of parameters and floating-point operations while maintaining a PSNR value higher than the 90% threshold. We modify the proposed DCB and introduce a multi -kernel depthwise-separable convolution block (MKDCB) to fine-tune the model. The experiments, conduct on various standard datasets such as DIV2K, Set5, Set14, Urban100, and Manga109 by demonstrating that our model significantly outperforms existing methods in terms of both image quality and computational efficiency. The model shows improved performance metrics like PSNR, while requiring fewer parameters and less memory usage, making it highly suitable for IoT applications. This study presents a breakthrough in super -resolution for IoT devices, balancing high -quality image reconstruction with the limited resources of these devices.
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Lightweight image super-resolution,Internet of Thing,Deep residual feature distillation network,Multi-kernel depthwise-separable convolution,block
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