Developing the workforce to deliver perioperative medicine for older people undergoing surgery: a transdisciplinary education programme.

Kar Yee Law, Jason Cross,Jugdeep Dhesi,Judith Partridge

Future healthcare journal(2023)

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Patients who are older, frail and medically complex are increasingly presenting for elective and emergency surgical interventions. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and optimisation methodology improve morbidity and mortality in older surgical patients. However, there is a need to develop an extended and flexible workforce to provide patient-centred quality perioperative care and to simultaneously tackle the growing backlog of planned surgery following the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. At Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Perioperative Medicine for Older People (POPS) delivers a transdisciplinary education programme for foundation doctors, specialty registrars and advanced clinical practitioners to develop a blended team with shared capabilities and goals in perioperative care. This case study outlines the framework of how the education programme was developed and its evaluation, and the ongoing work of POPS to disseminate knowledge and promote national innovation and collaboration.
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