Contrasting physical mechanisms linking stratospheric polar vortex stretching events to cold Eurasia between autumn and late winter

Climate Dynamics(2024)

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The weak stratospheric polar vortex (SPV) is usually linked to Northern Hemisphere cold spells. Based on the fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis and WACCM model experiments, we use K-means cluster analysis to extract the zonally asymmetric pattern of October-February stratospheric variability, which involves a stretched SPV and hence leads to cold surges in Northern Hemispheric mid-latitudes. There are contrasting effects and mechanisms between autumn (October–November) and late winter (February) SPV stretching events. In October, anomalies in the stratospheric circulation affect the near-surface 16–20 days after the weakening of the SPV. This contributes to a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) towards its negative phase, leading to cold anomalies over northern Eurasia. Together with the weakening of planetary wave-1 during days 31–40, the second stratosphere–troposphere coupling strengthens the East Asian trough and the Siberian high, resulting in Eurasian high-latitude cooling. For November, the suppressed upward propagation of wave-1 during days 11–15 is conducive to anomalous high pressure over northern Europe and thereby European cooling through a stratospheric pathway, while for days 21–30, the weakening of propagating wave-2 over Eastern Europe intensifies the mid-latitude wave train through a tropospheric pathway, favorable for cold temperatures in mid-latitude East Asia. In contrast, the late winter SPV stretching events and the attendant Eurasian coldness during 11–25 days are likely to have been simultaneously driven by the long-lived European high anomaly, which enhanced the upward-propagating tropospheric waves into the stratosphere and thus favored SPV stretching. It indicates that the tropospheric pathway, rather than the stratospheric pathway, plays a dominant role in cold Eurasia following February SPV stretching events.
Eurasian cold events,Stratospheric polar vortex stretching,Stratosphere–troposphere coupling,Planetary waves
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