Tourism Policy Innovation In Lampung Province Through Strengthening The Role of Hexahelix Actors (A Studi of Tourism Politics)

Dian Kagungan, Rahayu Sulistyowati,Novita Tresiana, Eko Budi Sulistiyo

International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies(2023)

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The Hexahelix actor plays an important role in tourism development policy in Lampung Province, specifically in Pesawaran Regency which is the location of this research. The Hexahelix actors referred to in this study are the Government, Business circles, Media, Universities, Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and local communities. These Hexahelix actors certainly have an important role in policy innovation for tourism development in Pesawaran Regency. In accordance with the duties, principal and function (tupoksi). This study aims to examine and analyze each role of the Hexahelix actor in the innovation of tourism development policies in Pesawaran Regency. This research method is descriptive with a qualitative approach, the data is collected through interviews, FGD and analysis of documents/regulations related to this research study. The results of this study are: that in fact tourism development policy innovation in Pesawaran Regency is still dominated by the Government's role, to be precise the Tourism Office of Pesawaran Regency as the leading tourism development policy sector; Meanwhile, the role of other Hexahelix actors has not been significant in innovation in tourism development policies
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