
Design and Implementation of an Angry Birds Game Controller Using Flex Sensor and a Potentiometer

Mohammad Zinaty, Elio El Ghaoui,Roy Abi Zeid Daou,Ali Hayek,Josef Boercsoek

2023 IEEE 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET)(2023)

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Gaming has evolved dramatically over the past few decades, with new technologies and gaming platforms emerging, providing a more immersive and interactive gaming experience for players. However, the cost of the controllers and their life cycle as well as the small phone screens remain among their major limitations. Therefore, a novel approach consists of integrating the sensors into the gaming devices. Therefore, this research paper focuses specifically on the use of sensors to control the popular game Angry Birds. This new technique will allow youngsters to control their hands and finger movements as well as to limit the concentration on small screens, mainly the screens of their mobile phones. It can also offer a therapeutic solution for children to control their fingers and hands movements. The proposed system is implemented and tested using the Angry Birds game. The screen just served as a visual interface whereas the electrical system is deployed for the full control of the game. This system is characterized by its low cost, accuracy, and integrity (i.e., it can be used for any similar game). As for the validation, the system is tested on 20 persons for time frames ranging between 2 and 2.5 hours and the results are impressive as the response time average is 0.52 seconds, the errors detection is 1.8% with an overall accuracy of 99.1%.
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