Risk of Brominated Flame Retardants for Aquatic Organisms

Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology(2023)

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Nowadays, many experiments have detected the residues of halogenated flame retardants in organisms and even human bodies, among which the amount and type of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are the most. Therefore, research on biological toxicity and possible harms of BFRs need to be studied to adjust the use and disposal of these chemicals to prevent irreversible consequences on the human body. This article mainly introduced the harm of BFRs to aquatic organisms and the solutions to reduce the concentration of BFRs in water. The harm of BFRs to aquatic organisms is mainly reflected in reproductive toxicity and thyroid hormone toxicity. BFRs, as toxic substances, are bio enriched and can enter the human body along the food chain, causing hormonal disorders and other problems. There are three main ways to reduce the concentration of BFRs in the environment including by using simple and easily degradable BFRs at the source, adjusting the light source conditions to enhance the photochemical degradation rate, and developing new adsorption materials.
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