Mobile Measurements in the Urban Thermal Environment Using Bicycles: A Systematic Review


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This study concerns in to collect, via a systematic review, works from international academics that employed bicycles to collect primary data on environmental variables for research on microclimatic thermal problems in urban contexts. To that purpose, a systematic review was con-ducted employing several important processes that favor the collecting of relevant material from three well-regarded worldwide academic platforms using well-defined keywords. A selection of papers identified through the platforms was produced, and after reading the titles, abstracts, and entire works, 13 articles were collected that employed bicycles in their mobile transects between 2011 and 2023. The analytical methodologies connected to the thermal environment employed by the research, such as the primary characterizers of urban morphology, were visible from this. The systematic review showed effective in attempting to comprehend current research in the scientific community that employed the approach of mobile measurements using bicycles. The great bulk of work was done in the Northern Hemisphere, specifically on the European continent. Furthermore, it was discovered that the number of publications published using this approach has increased in the previous two years. It is worth emphasizing that, while the platforms offer outstanding results in terms of article discovery, we are nevertheless aware of additional publications that employed similar technique but did not appear in the platforms' results. More study utilizing the bicycle is anticipated for, so that the process may be improved and the precision of future results can be reached.
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