Spatial and temporal patterns of road mortality in the Caspian whip snake (Dolichophis caspius Gmelin 1758) in Romania


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Roads significantly impact natural landscapes, posing threats to wildlife, particularly amphibians and reptiles. Among these, snakes are often overlooked, despite their vulnerability to vehicular collisions. This study in-vestigates the road mortality patterns for the Caspian whip snake (Dolichophis caspius), an animal frequently killed by road traffic in Eastern Europe, including Romania. A database of 270 road-killed Caspian whip snakes, mostly adults, was compiled, showing road-kills were predominantly found on national and county roads. Our findings confirm the existence of "hot moments" when road-kills are more likely. The ensemble model empha-sized high-risk road sections, with road density, terrain ruggedness and habitat configuration being the most important predictors. Such information can optimize management costs and guide targeted conservation efforts, holding implications for snake populations in Eastern Europe.
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Road mortality,Road ecology,Species distribution model,Habitat fragmentation
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