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Design and development of backend application for thesis management system using microservice architecture and restful api

Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor(2023)

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A thesis is a scientific work completed by students with the aim of developing the knowledge gained during the lecture period. Students at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM), Faculty of Engineering, particularly Informatics Engineering, carry out their theses manually and on paper. Thesis Management System (TMS) is software designed to help with the thesis execution process by reducing paper usage and increasing time efficiency. Monolithic system development can disrupt the service process if improvements are being made to the system. Therefore, in this research, a Thesis Management System (TMS) will be built using a microservice approach to make it easier to maintain and develop the system, for example, system scalability. As a means of communication between services, TMS is designed and developed using the REST API. TMS has undergone system performance testing to verify that it performs well under certain conditions. The results show that the number of requests increases the performance response time, CPU usage, and memory consumption, with an average resource usage of each service based on a response time of 61.64 ms, CPU usage of 8.64%, and memory usage of 89.47 Mb. As the number of requests on the service increases, so does resource usage in each service, but this has no effect on device performance because the increase is so low.
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