BTM: Black-Box Testing for DNN Based on Meta-Learning.

2023 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS)(2023)

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Deep learning is widely used in security fields like autonomous driving, but testing deep learning models poses challenges due to low generation efficiency and limited error detection. Current white-box test case generation methods rely on neuron coverage, but black-box testing is crucial when model details cannot be accessed. Prior methods also needed more consideration for error diversity under lower time resources. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on the intuition that two models trained on the same classification task learn similar rules at a coarse-grained level. We employ meta-learning to train universal meta perturbation on a surrogate model, which increases neuron coverage on the surrogate model while inducing misclassifications in the original model (thus enhancing the adequacy of the initial tests). Subsequently, we apply data initialization to discover a wider range of errors faster. To accelerate test case generation and reduce resource consumption, we introduce a set of acceleration techniques based on image prediction probabilities, minimizing the time spent exploring irrelevant regions in images. Finally, we evaluate our approach on a well-known dataset and several well-known models, demonstrating its effectiveness.
black-box testing,test case generation,deep learning,meta-learning
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