Novel Cyber Incident Management System for 5G-based Critical Infrastructures.

Artem Polozhentsev,Sergiy Gnatyuk,Rat Berdibayev,Viktoriia Sydorenko, Oksana Zhyharevych

2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS)(2023)

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Modern critical infrastructure with diverse systems requires a security information and event management (SIEM) system for unified monitoring against cyber threats. This system collects log data, performs real-time analysis, flags threats, triggers alerts, and advises response strategies. Enhanced by AI, Internet of Things, and cloud technologies, modern SIEM systems have significantly improved and optimized threat detection. This research examines the functionality, basic operation, and comparative capabilities of current SIEM systems. In addition, a universal event correlation and cybersecurity incident management system was designed and studied specifically for 5G networks. Hybrid security data storage models were also developed to ensure fast search, scale with data volume, and interface with external storage. The research also formulated models for distributed data bus operation, which enables fast processing of large data streams with minimal latency and high resilience. The proposed system addresses key cybersecurity challenges and meets global standards for establishing cyber incident management systems in 5G-based critical infrastructure.
SIEM,5G-based critical infrastrucute,cyber security,cyber threats
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