A Joint Tracking System: Robot is Online to Access Surveillance Views.

Zheyuan Lin,Shanshan Ji,Wen Wang, Mengjie Qin, Rong Yang,Minhong Wan,Jason Gu,Te Li, Chunlong Zhang

2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)(2023)

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The application of robots in social life, equipped with sensors and actuators and embedded with AI, assists people in all aspects. However, the first perspective of the robot horizon is heavily constrained, which weakens its performance. A joint tracking system is designed and built to deal with this, by integrating a surveillance system with the robot visual, providing a third perspective. This system takes one horizontal view and two top views from various directions as inputs and matches a person among the frames and in time sequence. In order to deal with the identity match with a huge visual feature gap, a special dataset is collected, simultaneously labeling identities from a mobile robot perspective and multiple indoor static surveillance monitors. The experiment shows that such match is a task worth exploring that can be better handled by training on our dataset than existing open source Re-identification (Re-id) datasets. Moreover, in the real scenario, this system improves the performance on issues like in and out of the robot’s field of vision and heavy occlusion by people or objects.
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