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Hypomagnetic Conditions and Their Biological Action (Review)


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Simple Summary The Earth's magnetic field is vital for life to exist. If the field becomes weaker, it's known as hypomagnetic conditions. Studying the impact of hypomagnetic conditions on living beings is significant for multiple reasons. Firstly, it helps us comprehend the biological consequences and learn more about how the magnetic field interacts with living organisms. Secondly, understanding the impact of hypomagnetic conditions on human health is important for preparing for extended space missions. This report outlines the influence of hypomagnetic conditions on various objects such as animals, humans, plants, bacteria, and individual molecules. It explains the effects at both a cellular and organismal level, and lists and characterizes the most likely mechanisms that account for biological responses to magnetic fields. Over the past century, scientists have gathered extensive data on the impacts of hypomagnetic conditions. We aimed to investigate the effect of experimental methods and type of exposure on the observed effects. Our findings indicate that hypomagnetic conditions primarily affect cellular processes such as gene expression and protein synthesis, as well as the functioning of the nervous system including neuron development and behavioral reactions.Abstract The geomagnetic field plays an important role in the existence of life on Earth. The study of the biological effects of (hypomagnetic conditions) HMC is an important task in magnetobiology. The fundamental importance is expanding and clarifying knowledge about the mechanisms of magnetic field interaction with living systems. The applied significance is improving the training of astronauts for long-term space expeditions. This review describes the effects of HMC on animals and plants, manifested at the cellular and organismal levels. General information is given about the probable mechanisms of HMC and geomagnetic field action on living systems. The main experimental approaches are described. We attempted to systematize quantitative data from various studies and identify general dependencies of the magnetobiology effects' value on HMC characteristics (induction, exposure duration) and the biological parameter under study. The most pronounced effects were found at the cellular level compared to the organismal level. Gene expression and protein activity appeared to be the most sensitive to HMC among the molecular cellular processes. The nervous system was found to be the most sensitive in the case of the organism level. The review may be of interest to biologists, physicians, physicists, and specialists in interdisciplinary fields.
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Key words
hypomagnetic field,magnetic zero,magnetoreception,cell biology,human physiology,near null magnetic field,Helmholtz system
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