Influence of Binaural and Monaural Beat in the Structure of a Monotonic Sound Stimulus on Sleep Latency

Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology(2023)

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Objectives . To test the hypothesis that sleep latency (SL) does not depend on the nature (monaural (MB) or binaural (BB)) of the low-frequency beats embedded in a monotonous sound stimulus presented during the process of falling asleep in a large group of subjects. Materials and methods . An Android app was written for the study and installed on 221 subjects’ smartphones. Each subject took part in three experiments, with three different types of monotonous sound presented following a counterbalanced scheme; sounds were identical in pitch but differed in terms of the presence and type of beats: BB, MB, and control (without beats) sounds were used. Results . Repeat measures analysis of variance (rANOVA) showed no statistically significant effect of stimulus type on SL ( p = 0.21). Pairwise comparison of SL for different stimulation conditions showed a significance level of the null hypothesis, corrected for multiple comparisons, of p = 1.0. Thus, SL was not significantly dependent on the type of monotonous sound stimulus used in these experiments: MB, BB, or control. Conclusions . The software app developed here is useful as a universal platform for assessing the impact of various external factors on the process of falling asleep at home.
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Key words
binaural beats,smartphone apps,insomnia,sleep latency
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