High-capacity Multi-level Emergency Load Shedding Technology for Electrolytic Aluminum Load

Lingfang Li,Yixuan Chen, Jie Zhang, Shanquan Pi,Cong He,Siyang Liao

2023 8th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE)(2023)

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The gradual expansion of the power grid scale has led to increasingly prominent security and stability problems of the grid, and higher requirements for load-side control resources. Electrolytic aluminum load has the advantages of large controllable capacity and simple control methods, but due to its large individual capacity, it is difficult to respond to the existing stability control strategy of the power grid. Therefore, it is important to study the emergency load shedding technology of electrolytic aluminum load with large capacity and multiple levels. In this paper, according to the basic characteristics of electrolytic aluminum load, its equivalent circuit and topology are established, and the power-current coupling characteristics of electrolytic aluminum load are analyzed. Based on its topology, a graded excision method is proposed and the corresponding active excision amount is calculated. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by field tests.
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Key words
electrolytic aluminum,emergency load shedding,graded shedding,load control
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