Current trends: Zinc oxide nanoparticles preparation via chemical and green method for the photocatalytic degradation of various organic dyes

Hybrid Advances(2024)

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Nanotechnology, which focuses on creating and applying materials at the nanoscale (ranging from 1 to 100 nm), opens-up a realm of possibilities. Nanoparticles, known for their minuscule size and exceptional surface area-to-volume ratio, exhibit distinct physical and chemical attributes compared to bulk materials. Green zinc oxide nanoparticles, among the myriad metal-oxide nanoparticles, have gained significant attention due to their broad applicability, showcasing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and optical properties. This is attributed to their expansive bandwidth and elevated exciton binding energy. In this comprehensive study, we investigate the intricacies of zinc oxide nanoparticle synthesis, uncovering the chemical and biological processes that underscore their unique features and applications, especially in the realm of photocatalysis. Various synthesis methods, including sol-gel, hydrothermal, and precipitation techniques, are scrutinized for their efficacy in tailoring the size and shape of the nanoparticles. This exploration not only provides insights into the mechanical intricacies of zinc oxide nanoparticles formation but also evaluates their potential in advancing fields such as antibacterial treatments and optoelectronic applications. The novelty of this work lies in the meticulous examination of diverse synthesis methods for zinc oxide nanoparticles, presenting a comprehensive understanding of their chemical and biological intricacies. Moreover, this study digs into the realm of photocatalysis, exploring how zinc oxide nanoparticles can revolutionize this field with their unique properties. Through this exploration, we aim not only to unravel the synthesis intricacies but also to shed light on the expansive potential and limitations of zinc oxide nanoparticles in various applications, providing a roadmap for future research and development in nanotechnology.
ZnO nanoparticles,Chemical synthesis,Green synthesis,Photocatalytic activity
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