The Role of Nitrogen-Rich Moieties in the Selection of Arginine's Tautomeric Form at Different Temperatures


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It is well known that the guanidinium group in Arginine plays an important role in noncovalent interactions. However, its role is not well documented since the selection of its global minimum structure is still controversial. The main difficulties on obtaining accurate results lie on: neutral Arginine can occur in 3 forms, two of which are canonical and one is zwitterion; each form has degenerate enantiomers D- and L-; its numerous degrees of freedom make it challenging to perform a thorough study; the short-range interactions require higher levels of theory to correctly describe them. Thus, we have performed a meticulous global minimum search. We performed optimizations of the systems at the PBE0 / Def2TZVP level of theory and single point calculations at the DLPNO-CCSD(T)/Def2TZVP level with zero-point corrections at PBE0 /Def2TZVP. We also analyzed Thermal Populations and IR Spectra of the systems to fully understand Arginine's behavior. The results show the energy minima structures strongly rely on its internal nitrogen-rich groups.
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Arginine,canonical forms,zwitterion,theoretical study
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