A vector projection similarity-based method for miRNA-disease association prediction


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Many miRNA-disease association prediction models incorporate Gaussian interaction profile kernel similarity (GIPS). However, the GIPS fails to consider the specificity of the miRNA-disease association matrix, where matrix elements with a value of 0 represent miRNA and disease relationships that have not been discovered yet. To address this issue and better account for the impact of known and unknown miRNA-disease associations on similarity, we propose a method called vector projection similarity-based method for miRNAdisease association prediction (VPSMDA). In VPSMDA, we introduce three projection rules and combined with logistic functions for the miRNA-disease association matrix and propose a vector projection similarity measure for miRNAs and diseases. By integrating the vector projection similarity matrix with the original one, we obtain the improved miRNA and disease similarity matrix. Additionally, we construct a weight matrix using different numbers of neighbors to reduce the noise in the similarity matrix. In performance evaluation, both LOOCV and 5fold CV experiments demonstrate that VPSMDA outperforms seven other state-of-the-art methods in AUC. Furthermore, in a case study, VPSMDA successfully predicted 10, 9, and 10 out of the top 10 associations for three important human diseases, respectively, and these predictions were confirmed by recent biomedical resources.
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MiRNA-disease,Association prediction,VPSMDA,Vector projection similarity,Weight matrix
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