Promoting Quality of Life: Suggestions for Mental Health Care Providers Working with Young Autistic Adults.

Autism in adulthood : challenges and management(2023)

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There is a growing population of autistic adults in need of supports from a service delivery system that, at present, fails to accommodate their needs adequately and equitably. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of trained behavioral health service providers to meet the needs of young autistic adults. Quality of life (QoL), or one's perception of, and satisfaction with, life in relation to held goals and expectations, has been identified as a key outcome of interest by autistic self-advocates. By supporting autistic clients to hone their strengths and interests, integrate various aspects of their identity, identify goals, and connect to appropriate resources, providers can promote clients' self-knowledge and self-determination, in the service of improving QoL. In this Perspectives article, we offer concrete recommendations to mental health providers, including those who do not specialize in autism, with the goal of supporting implementation of evidence-based strategies that improve QoL and promote self-determination among young autistic clients.
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