Hierarchically constrained multi-fidelity blackbox optimization


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This work introduces a novel multi-fidelity blackbox optimization algorithm designed to alleviate the resource-intensive task of evaluating infeasible points. This algorithm is an intermediary component bridging a direct search solver and a blackbox, resulting in reduced computation time per evaluation, all while preserving the efficiency and convergence properties of the chosen solver. This is made possible by assessing feasibility through a broad range of fidelities, leveraging information from cost-effective evaluations before committing to a full computation. These feasibility estimations are generated through a hierarchical evaluation of constraints, tailored to the multi-fidelity nature of the blackbox problem, and defined by a biadjacency matrix, for which we propose a construction. A series of computational tests using the NOMAD solver on the Solar family of blackbox problems are conducted to validate the approach. The results show a significant improvement in solution quality when an initial feasible starting point is known in advance of the optimization process. When this condition is not met, the outcomes are contingent upon certain properties of the blackbox.
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