Mapping development preferences on the perceived value of ecosystem services and land use conflict and compatibility in Greater Kuala Lumpur


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Rapid and unplanned development can diminish the social values for ecosystem services associated with urban landscapes. Tropical Global South cities, such as Greater Kuala Lumpur (GKL), Malaysia, that are highly biodiverse, are particularly vulnerable to the fragmentation and loss of natural ecosystems. This study investigates the social values for ecosystem services in GKL, a rapidly urbanising metropolitan area in Southeast Asia and presents the novel application of the SolVES (Social Values for Ecosystem Services) tool to an urban area. A public participatory GIS (PPGIS) survey was conducted to assess residents' development preferences and perceived distribution of social values. The study revealed two groups of respondents, using cluster analysis, each with unique development preferences - a group favouring both green and grey developments and another favouring green development but strongly opposing grey development. The two groups differed statistically in their sociodemographic characteristics, and also how they mapped different social values. Our spatial analysis of their preferences towards future urban expansion in GKL highlighted locations where there is potential for land-use conflict. For example, the favour-balanced-development group tended to value built areas over green spaces. These findings support the need to consider residents' preferences and socioecological traits through greater public engagement in urban landscape management.
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Key words
Development preferences,Social values,Cultural ecosystem services,Spatial conflict analysis,Global South
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