PHR1 involved in the regulation of low phosphate-induced leaf senescence by modulating phosphorus homeostasis in Arabidopsis

Jian-Feng Zhang, You-Yi Wang, Le He, Jing-Yi Yan, Ying-Ying Liu, Zhao-Yang Ruan,Wen-Cheng Liu,Long Yi,Feng Ren


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Phosphorus (P) is a crucial macronutrient for plant growth, development, and reproduction. The effects of low P (LP) stress on leaf senescence and the role of PHR1 in LP-induced leaf senescence are still unknown. Here, we report that PHR1 plays a crucial role in LP-induced leaf senescence, showing delayed leaf senescence in phr1 mutant and accelerated leaf senescence in 35S:PHR1 transgenic Arabidopsis under LP stress. The transcriptional profiles indicate that 763 differentially expressed SAGs (DE-SAGs) were upregulated and 134 DE-SAGs were downregulated by LP stress. Of the 405 DE-SAGs regulated by PHR1, 27 DE-SAGs were involved in P metabolism and transport. PHR1 could bind to the promoters of six DE-SAGs (RNS1, PAP17, SAG113, NPC5, PLD zeta 2, and Pht1;5), and modulate them in LP-induced senescing leaves. The analysis of RNA content, phospholipase activity, acid phosphatase activity, total P and phosphate content also revealed that PHR1 promotes P liberation from senescing leaves and transport to young tissues under LP stress. Our results indicated that PHR1 is one of the crucial modulators for P recycling and redistribution under LP stress, and the drastic decline of P level is at least one of the causes of early senescence in P-deficient leaves. In Arabidopsis, PHR1 is the crucial regulator in low phosphate-induced leaf senescence by modulating P recycling and redistribution.
development,growth,low phosphate stress,nutrients/other,plant senescence,transcription factor
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