Arthroscopic Simulation-Based Training of Orthopaedic Surgery Residents: Past, Present, and Future.

Instructional course lectures(2024)

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Simulation-based training is required by many medical specialties. Barriers, however, have prevented widespread implementation of simulators for arthroscopic training. The advantages of arthroscopic simulator-based training of residents include decreased errors, decreased cost of training, and improved patient care. Before an educational program can focus on the type of simulator, it is essential to have a validated curriculum and framework for how to use those simulators. One of the most validated systems is called proficiency-based progression training. Proficiency-based progression is essentially a paradigm in which basic skills must be mastered and demonstrated via objective evaluation, before moving on to more advanced skills. There are a variety of different validation methods and tools that have been described, with the Arthroscopic Surgical Skill Evaluation Tool being the most widely used tool. It is essential that any simulator has evidence and validation that it will ultimately improve surgical skills in the operating room. In the future, emerging technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and three-dimensional printing will likely play a major role in the creation of newer simulators and may improve access to residents throughout the world.
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