Data Contamination Issues in Brain-to-Text Decoding


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Decoding non-invasive cognitive signals to natural language has long been the goal of building practical brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Recent major milestones have successfully decoded cognitive signals like functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalogram (EEG) into text under open vocabulary setting. However, how to split the datasets for training, validating, and testing in cognitive signal decoding task still remains controversial. In this paper, we conduct systematic analysis on current dataset splitting methods and find the existence of data contamination largely exaggerates model performance. Specifically, first we find the leakage of test subjects' cognitive signals corrupts the training of a robust encoder. Second, we prove the leakage of text stimuli causes the auto-regressive decoder to memorize information in test set. The decoder generates highly accurate text not because it truly understands cognitive signals. To eliminate the influence of data contamination and fairly evaluate different models' generalization ability, we propose a new splitting method for different types of cognitive datasets (e.g. fMRI, EEG). We also test the performance of SOTA Brain-to-Text decoding models under the proposed dataset splitting paradigm as baselines for further research.
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