Self-Conditioning via Intermediate Predictions for End-to-End Neural Speaker Diarization


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This paper presents a speaker diarization model that incorporates label dependency via intermediate predictions. The proposed method is categorized as an end-to-end neural diarization (EEND), which has been a promising method for solving the speaker diarization problem with a multi-label classification neural network. While most EEND-based models assume conditional independence between frame-level speaker labels, the proposed method introduces the label dependency to the models by exploiting the self-conditioning mechanism, which has been originally applied to an automatic speech recognition model. With the self-conditioning mechanism, speaker labels are iteratively refined by taking the whole sequence of intermediate speaker labels as a reference. We demonstrate the effectiveness of self-conditioning in both Transformer-based and attractor-based EEND models. To efficiently train the attractor-based EEND model, we propose an improved attractor computation module named non-autoregressive attractor, which produces speaker-wise attractors simultaneously in a non-autoregressive manner. The experiments with the CALLHOME two-speaker dataset show that the proposed self-conditioning boosts the diarization performance and progressively reduces errors through successive intermediate predictions. In addition, the proposed non-autoregressive attractor improves training efficiency and provides a synergetic boost with self-conditioning, leading to superior performance compared with existing diarization models.
Encoder-decoder-based attractors,end-to-end neural diarization,intermediate objectives,non-autoregressive models,self-conditioning,speaker diarization
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