Psychometric properties analysis of helping relationships skills inventory for Portuguese nurses and doctors


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Purpose: This paper answered some authors' requests to analyze the Helping Relationships Skills Inventory psychometric properties, a four dimensions measure. At this level, the study contributed to accessing the first reliable and valid instrument headed to Portuguese nurses and doctors.Methods: An online survey with Portuguese nurses and doctors (n = 262) was managed to assess the psychometrics properties analysis of the Helping Relationships Skills Inventory. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, the average variance extracted (AVE), the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT), Cronbach's Alpha, and McDo-nald's Omega were computed.Results: The four-factor of the original Helping Relationships Skills Inventory was only supported by Exploratory Factor Analysis, with good internal consistency. Our study accepted this correlational structure hypothesis, which demonstrated acceptable to good sensitivity, convergent validity (AVE: 0.84-0.67), and reliability (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.92-0.88; McDonald'Omega: 0.93-0.79). Also stays verified discriminant validity for the majority of the factors with some reserves between Generics and Emphatics dimensions (HTMT: 0.90), revealing high commonality among them (r = 0.84; p < .001) Conclusions: The findings support the sensitivity, construct validity, and reliability of the Helping Relationships Skills Inventory among Portuguese nurses and doctors. However, will be useful to associate qualitative methodologies to explore the phenomenon better.
Reliability and validity,Humanization of Assistance,Nurses and doctors,Self-assessment
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