A RISE-Based Explainability Method for Genuine and Impostor Face Verification.

2023 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)(2023)

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Heat Map (HM)-based explainable Face Verification (FV) has the goal to visually interpret the decision-making of black-box FV models. Despite the impressive results, state-of-the-art FV explainability methods based on HMs mainly address genuine verification by generating visual explanations that reveal the similar face regions which most contributed for acceptance decisions. However, the similar face regions may not be the unique critical regions for the model decision, notably when rejection decisions are performed. To address this issue, this paper proposes a more complete FV explainability method, providing meaningful HM-based explanations for both genuine and impostor verification and associated acceptance and rejection decisions. The proposed method adapts the RISE algorithm for FV to generate Similarity Heat Maps (S- HMs) and Dissimilarity Heat Maps (D-HMs) which offer reliable explanations to all types of FV decisions. Qualitative and quantitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed FV explainability method beyond state-of-the-art benchmarks.
face verification explainability,genuines and impostors,explainability heat maps
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