Climate change, costs, or jobs: How policymakers frame state clean energy laws

The Electricity Journal(2023)

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Renewable portfolio standard (RPS) laws are among the most important climate change policies, requiring a minimum percentage of electricity from clean energy sources. From 2015–2022 in the U.S., eleven states enacted 100 % RPS laws and seven others strengthened their targets. This study examines the issue framing behind these recent RPS laws, which reflects and affects the political context surrounding the policies, people's views, and support among stakeholders. Through coding of policy documents, the study evaluates how policymakers have framed the policies, differences in framing between states with 100 % and non-100 % RPS targets, and variation in framing connected with political party and partisan votes. Surprisingly, given recommendations in the literature to downplay climate issues and emphasize economics, lawmakers predominantly framed 100 % clean energy laws based on climate change. Policymakers that adopted non-100 % RPS laws utilized less climate framing and garnered more Republican Party legislator votes. The results indicate a distinction in framing between more modest and ambitious climate policies, raising a question about the applicability of recommendations urging minimization of climate messaging to transformative climate and clean energy policy efforts. Depending on political conditions, climate framing may be effective for ambitious energy approaches.
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Key words
Climate change policy,Clean energy,Renewable portfolio standards,Electricity system,Issue framing,Climate messaging
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