Would you be willing to purchase virtual gifts during esports live streams? Streamer characteristics and cultural traits

Jialiang Chen,Yin Wu


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China is not only the largest but also one of the fastest-growing live streaming markets globally. In comparison to Western countries, Chinese viewers have a tendency to engage with streamers by exchanging various forms of virtual gifts. This behavior pattern has resulted in substantial economic benefits for China's esports live streaming platforms. This study, grounded in the Howard-Sheth model, endeavors to investigate the driving mechanisms behind viewers' purchase of virtual gifts during esports live streaming. It takes into account both streamer characteristics and cultural traits. To achieve this, a combination of structural equation modeling, artificial neural networks, and necessity analysis is employed. Specifically, the study examines how the background environment, composed of streamer characteristics (such as expertise, trustworthiness, attraction, interactivity, and affinity) and Chinese cultural traits (such as social orientation and face consciousness), shapes viewers' social cognitions. These social cognitions encompass the sense of presence and belonging that viewers experience towards both the streamer and the viewer community. Furthermore, the study illuminates how such social cognitions foster flow experiences, emotional attachment, and ultimately influence viewers' purchase intentions. The findings of this research hold great significance for both live streaming platforms and streamers, as they can assist in formulating effective marketing strategies to encourage viewers to participate in the purchase of virtual gifts during esports live streaming sessions.
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Virtual gifts,Esports live streaming,Streamer characteristics,Cultural traits,Driving mechanisms,The Howard-Sheth model
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