F3KM: Federated, Fair, and Fast k-means.

Shengkun Zhu, Quanqing Xu,Jinshan Zeng,Sheng Wang ,Yuan Sun , Zhifeng Yang, Chuanhui Yang,Zhiyong Peng

Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data(2023)

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This paper proposes a federated, fair, and fast k-means algorithm (F3KM) to solve the fair clustering problem efficiently in scenarios where data cannot be shared among different parties. The proposed algorithm decomposes the fair k-means problem into multiple subproblems and assigns each subproblem to a client for local computation. Our algorithm allows each client to possess multiple sensitive attributes (or have no sensitive attributes). We propose an in-processing method that employs the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve each subproblem. During the procedure of solving subproblems, only the computation results are exchanged between the server and the clients, without exchanging the raw data. Our theoretical analysis shows that F3KM is efficient in terms of both communication and computation complexities. Specifically, it achieves a better trade-off between utility and communication complexity, and reduces the computation complexity to linear with respect to the dataset size. Our experiments show that F3KM achieves a better trade-off between utility and fairness than other methods. Moreover, F3KM is able to cluster five million points in one hour, highlighting its impressive efficiency.
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