Inter- and intra-year forest change detection and monitoring of aboveground biomass dynamics using Sentinel-2 and Landsat


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National aboveground forest biomass products enable monitoring of biomass dynamics in a consistent and repeatable manner to inform carbon accounting and sustainable forest management activities. The availability of images of the Earth's surface from a combination of Landsat and Sentinel-2A and -2B provides an opportunity and capability to track intra-year biomass dynamics availing upon a twice weekly acquisition opportunity. We developed an algorithm that leverages these spatially and spectrally compatible data sources, called Tracking Intra- and Inter-year Change (TIIC), to monitor forest change across Canada's forested ecozones (>650Mha) in near-real time. Combining the stand-replacing change information from TIIC with spatially explicit maps of aboveground biomass (AGB), we demonstrate how intra-annual and inter-annual AGB dynamics, including losses due to stand-replacing disturbances and gains from vegetation growth, can be quantified temporally and spatially. Using independent validation data, our results for the focus year 2019 indicate that TIIC, by analysing images from May 30 to September 1, can accurately detect stand-replacing disturbances across Canada's forested ecozones with an overall accuracy of 99% and correctly attribute the type of change (i.e., wildfire or mechanical removal, the latter of which includes timber harvesting) with an overall accuracy of 99%. From an initial producer's accuracy of 23% for the changed class, accuracy increases incrementally as additional images are added throughout the growing season. attaining a producer's accuracy of 98% by the end of the analysis period. Intra-year change information complements information on long-term trends derived from annual time series monitoring over several decades. Our analysis of AGB dynamics indicated that in every ecozone, widespread small positive AGB increments yielded overall AGB gains that were greater than the sum of the large, punctual AGB losses resulting from stand-replacing disturbances. Overall in 2019, forest AGB increased across Canada's forested ecozones by 2.54%. Temporally, 80% of AGB losses stemming from mechanical removal occurred over the winter and are as such concentrated at the beginning of the growing season. In contrast, AGB losses linked to fires happen more stochastically throughout the growing season and occupy a greater area. By way of disturbance type, 36% of 2019 AGB loss was attributed to mechanical removal, and 64% was attributed to wildfire. Following the approach demonstrated herein, AGB changes can be tracked at a temporal frequency informative of forest management practices and ecological processes on the landscape, thereby refining our understanding of AGB dynamics.
Forest monitoring,Land cover,Wildfire,Forest harvest,AGB
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